
Saturday, March 19, 2011


ak paling benci kalo pagi2, ad org masuk bilik. tutup kipas, keluar dan x ingt tutup pintu balik.. argghhh
masa tu rasa nk nanges. sobs. dan ia berlaku LAGI pagi tadii. 


Monday, March 14, 2011


ouh noooo. i cant believe it!. i cant believe that i miss my sisters.? erkkk.. i usually hate them when around. intan nabila bt ab ghani and noor farahliza bt ab ghani. . dont get me wrong. i WILL hate u guys again when you come back. HARHAR,,

i just had a bad dream. but i dont want to talk bout it. save it for later. hahaha.

tee hee. <3

Saturday, March 12, 2011

eh. apesal rajin sgt post hari ni?

kihkih. bosan gila.actually. x bosan pon. okay. sila bagi cadangan. MACAMANA NAK HANDLE BUDAK BUDAK NAKAL NI?

ingt pasal bedak? ni gambarnya


Friday, March 11, 2011

babysitter. :)

woah. letih gila mggu ni.. sobs. T__T.
ingt senang jd babysitter .
semalam. afiq. (anksdra ak) main sebetol bedak dalam bilik. T___T.
oh god.. bila ak bukak pintu tuh.. ...... benda pertama ak pikir.
dengan tegar. amik penyapu dan sapu bedak2 tu masuk bilik air.
BERPELUH. mana bole pasang kipas.

p/s. serious. i miss my mom.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

future husband. XD

haha. gila tajuk. saja je buat tajuk hot. XD
one thing (actually bukan satu) that guys out there should know. boring of your lame tactics. 
i hate when a guy try to make a conversation with me and asking me *boleh berkenalan?*
i was like. euwww.. that was a stupid question! how should  i answer to a question like dat? i don.t want to say *yeah*. it look CHEAP. and how could i say *no*. it would be rude.
if trying to talk with me. just do it naturally . 
and one more.
dont try to ask for my phone number.
i only give it  to a person that i really really know.

 i hate to admit this
i.m jealous when i see my freinds pictures with their love one. 
i want to do dat too.
i hate when i see someone texting their partner.
i want to send a massage to my love one too.
i.m jealous when people change their relationship status to *in a relationship with blah blah*

i want someone in my life.
but not just a boyfriend.
i want a guy that can be my bestfriend,   my husband,my  enemy , and. blah blah. 

tee hee :)